How Enterprise Fleet Management helped Domino’s Pizza deploy 1,100 EVs

How Enterprise Fleet Management helped Domino’s Pizza deploy 1,100 EVs

Brice Adamson President of Enterprise Fleet Management spoke recently at the MOVE America conference about how EFM enabled Domino’s Pizza to deploy 1,100 electric vehicles (EVs) as part of their delivery fleet.

With a mission to maximise fleet performance and mitigate financial risk with their predictive tools and technology, Enterprise’s analytics software offers real-time cost and performance insights that consider their client’s fleet mileage, insurance costs, driver downtime, vehicle depreciation and more.

Adamson stated that the company begin by learning their client’s objectives and goals and then use their software to help to advise on which fleet best suits them achieve those specific targets.

In a real-life example, Domino’s Pizza told the fleet management company that they wanted to reach zero-emissions in their pizza delivery fleet by 2050, after which Adamson explained that EFM recommended the fully-electric Chevrolet Bolt to put those 1,100 vehicles on the road in just one year.

Watch the full interview to learn more about where EFM are headed towards in helping fleet operations achieve their sustainability goals more efficiently and where they’ll be expanding their services to.

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Investing in all layers of the mobility revolution

Investing in all layers of the mobility revolution

Watch the first keynote panel that kicked off in the keynote theatre on the morning of day one at the MOVE America 2023 conference in Austin, Texas. The panel is joined by the stop speakers and disruptors that attended the event who came together to discuss how the tech-mobility space is revolutionising and what its future looks like, or could look like. Watch the full session below.

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Building out American charging and what it means for all players

Building out American charging and what it means for all players

Watch this keynote panel discussion from day one of MOVE America 2023 joined by the top players in the EV charing space. This conversation surrounds the main barriers in EV adoption for the American population and how the lack of charging infrastructure might be affecting this. Watch the full video below to hear what these experts have to say about the issue and how it will effect America’s clean energy transition.

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Autonomous now: how companies are utilising the latest AV technology

Autonomous now: how companies are utilising the latest AV technology

How long do you think it will be until the cars on the roads will have no drivers? Will autonomous vehicles become the norm in the next few years? Or longer? Watch this keynote discussion from day one of MOVE America 2023 on the growth of autonomous vehicles in the tech-mobility space and how companies are embracing this trending mode of transportation.

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Driving innovation across the mobility ecosystem

Driving innovation across the mobility ecosystem

This day one keynote panel from MOVE America 2023 discusses how we can accelerate change within the mobility ecosystem through collaboration and innovation. Joined by some of the top names in mobility, watch the full keynote discussion below.

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The strategic supply chain

This keynote discussion is from day two of the MOVE America 2023 in Austin, Texas, and follows a conversation about the layers of the supply chain in the tech-mobility space. With bold statements from mobility’s most credible sources, this panel also includes a heavily debated estimation of when cars will become fully electrified. Watch the full video to hear the panel’s predictions.

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Connectivity and integration: How we move and how we groove

Connectivity and integration: How we move and how we groove

Watch this keynote discussion between the top disruptors and speakers in the tech-mobility space. This panel occurred at the end of day two at MOVE America 2023 and discusses how cities and companies can collaborate to advance their mobility intelligence.

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